Vladimir Grygorenko | Master Iconographer

With over 35 years of experience in traditional byzantine iconography, I've dedicated my life's work to creating beautiful murals that capture essence of holiness. Icons opened my eyes to Christianity— so I consider my iconography to be a church service rather than an occupation. Through my art, I help parishes create sacred spaces for their members.

St. Gregory Palamas Monastery (GOA)

Near Mansfield Ohio

Holy Ascension Church (OCA)

Charleston, SC

St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral (OCA)

Dallas, TX
Murals, Panel Icons, Iconostasis

Vladimir Grygorenko Iconographic Studio

With over 35 years of experience in Byzantine iconography, I am uniquely qualified to give pointed feedback on your church mural project. Schedule a free consultation to meet with me and make a plan for your future project— we'll discuss budget, timeline, design considerations, and more.

Schedule a Free Mural Consultation

Currently Offered Services


Complete mural iconography for your Parish, in the traditional byzantine style. I take deliberate time to plan, design, and complete this work personally.

Panel Icons

Panel Iconography for your church or your home. These Icons are completed by members of my iconographic studio, under my careful supervision and direction.


Mosaic work for your parish. These works are typically completed for exterior application, using the finest quality stones that resist the elements.

Free Resources

Iconography is the art of arts, and an icon is more a work of art than of craftsmanship. The icon is the revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven in our material world. There is a connection and a difference between painting and iconography. A good painter seeks the truth about the created world; an iconographer shows the truth about the Creator. Read more about this subject in my free guides—


One of the greatest joys of my life is to serve the divine liturgy at St Seraphim Cathedral, where I am surrounded by the beautiful frescos painted by our iconographer, Subdeacon Vladimir Grygorenko.
Most Reverend +Gerasim, Bishop of the Diocese of the South (OCA)
St. Seraphim Cathedral
I have professionally collaborated with Vladimir for the past eight years, and can vouch for his extraordinary skill, productive work ethic, and fine character.
Andrew Gould, Architect
Orthodox Architect and Designer
Vladimir has been very easy to work with. We knew from our first meeting that we could be very straightforward with him, even as he was very frank and straightforward with us. He has taught us a great deal and has listened to our concerns.
Archimandrite Joseph, Abbot
Archimandrite Joseph, abbot of St. Gregory Palamas Monastery

Book a Free Mural Consultation Today

Murals inside your parish help to create an atmosphere of the holy unlike anything else. They are a way to enhance the experience of your  partitioners, while also attracting new members to your church. However, planning a mural project often takes years of preparation. Don't wait to get started. Reach out to schedule a free mural consultation and plan your future project.  
Book a Free Consultation